Digital Club
The Digital Club aims to provide students a platform and resources to gain practical skills and realize projects. We strive to teach and help students acquire new skills in an era of rapidly evolving Digital technology. We believe in coming up with projects that are innovative and tackle real life problems. The mission of the Digital club is to expose students to challenges and new technologies in the field of Digital electronics and thus to nurture and develop their skill set in this arena. The emphasis is on experimenting and learning, no experience is necessary but eagerness to learn is essential.
One of the most important tasks of the club members is to remain updated on all aspects of modern day finance & financial institutions. The members are encouraged to do Research in finance, like financial markets, stock markets, financial instruments, financial institutions and regulations and analyze the impact of the same on other sectors and economy as a whole.

Communication Club
The main objective of this club is to introduce the techniques of transmitting and receiving information signals using analog carrier modulation techniques and digital modulation techniques and to evaluate their performance levels in the presence of channel noise and to establish foundation for understanding the relationship among various technical factors useful in designing & operating communication system.

The objective of VLSI Club is to conduct the VLSI activities by providing training to the undergraduate students in VLSI related fields and to equip students with latest skills which is supplemented with practical orientation to face challenges of industry. Here the students create their innovative ideas into small projects.

Embedded Clubs:
Embedded Systems Club creates a platform for sharing innovative ideas and to develop the research based activities. It is formulated to develop interest and competence of the students in the related technologies with emphasis on application aspects of the concepts. Embedded systems are usually referred to as processing systems tailored for specific applications. Nowadays, embedded systems are used in many different fields such as automotive, robotics, telecommunications, consumer electronics, biomedical equipment and instrumentation. Looking at its diversity of applications and potential for production of highly innovative products, embedded systems can be considered as the primary technology of the Present and Future. The ESD Club is started with an intention to make the students to apply modern electronic methods to provide solutions to challenges and to develop prototypes for various Embedded Systems applications.

Signal Processing Club:
Signal processing is an area, finding application in the field of Communication Systems, systems engineering, electrical engineering and applied mathematics that deals with operations or analysis of analog as well as digitized signals. Signals of interest can include sound, electromagnetic radiation, images, and sensor readings, for example biological measurements such as electrocardiograms, control system signals, telecommunication transmission signals, and many others. The goals of signal processing can roughly be divided into the following categories: 1. Signal acquisition and reconstruction, which involves measuring a physical signal, storing it, and possibly later rebuilding the original signal or an approximation thereof. For digital systems, this typically includes sampling and quantization. 2. Quality improvement, such as noise reduction, image enhancement, and echo cancellation. 3. Signal compression (Source coding), including audio compression, image compression, video compression and signal encryption. 4. Feature extraction, such as image understanding and speech recognition